Hong Kong Legislative Council

The Project: Installation of Smart Recycling Bins 

Client: Environmental Protection Department (EPD)

Year: 2024

The Highlights

Multiple stream recycling with Cornerstone

Working with our HKSAR Government to introduce progressively smart recycling facilities in the community, the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”) has launched a pilot programme on smart recycling bins for both residential use and public use. 

The Hong Kong Legislative Council has been placed our smart recycling bins #SmartClassify collecting multiple recyclables including:

 Paper 🔵

 Metals 🟡

 Other Plastics 🟤

 Glass Bottles 🟢

 Food Waste 🟣

We will continually install more smart recycling bins in more premises and districts, stay tuned! 🤩 

Interested in having #SmartClassify installed in your premises? Contact us today! 

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